Publications & Reports
- Harrison, J.R. Effects of extreme temperatures on survival and population growth of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididea). Thesis submitted to Faculty of Graduate Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, July 1971.
- Harrison, J.R. and C.A. Barlow. Population growth of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididea) after exposure to extreme temperatures. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 65: 1011-1015, 1972.
- Harrison, J.R. and C.A. Barlow. Survival of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididea) at extreme temperatures. Can. Ent. 105:1513-1518, 1973.
- Wiberg, G.S. and J.R. Harrison. Editorial: Hazards of exposure to benzene. Canadian Medical Assoc. J., 119:997-998, 1978.
- Harrison, J.R. et al. Compressed Breathing Air. Canadian Standards Association (CSA Standard Z180.1-M1978). Published by Canadian Association, Rexdale, Ontario, February 1978.
- Harrison, J.R. et al. Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality - 1978. Supporting Documentation. 1980. Contributor to Criteria Review Documents: Antimony, Asbestos, Barium, Boron, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Mercury, Nitrate, Nitrite, Phenols, Phthalic Acid Esters, Selenium, Silver, Trihalomethanes and Zinc.
- Campbell, J. and J.R. Harrison. Editorial: Current status of Urea-Formaldehyde Foam Insulation. Can. Med. Assoc. Journal, 125:329-331, 1981.
- Harrison, J.R. et al. Report: Guidelines on toxic and hazardous chemicals used in educational institutions. Environmental Health Directorate Series (81-EHD-74), pp. 37, July, 1980.
- Harrison, J.R. Interaction of cadmium with lead and/or mercury in mammalian toxicology. Thesis submitted to the University of San Francisco, 1983.
- Harrison, J.R., Jamieson, J.W.S., MacGregor, D.J. Environmental Contaminants Act-Hazard Assessement Report on Cadmium. pps. 39. Health and Welfare Canada and Environment Canada, 1984.
- Harrison, J.R., Art Smart. Living Safety, pps. 26-29, winter 1983-84.
- Harrison, J.R. Health Hazards of Arts and Crafts Materials. CAR-FAC News, 9(1), 11-13, 1984.
- Withey, J., Harrison, J.R. Health and Safety of Laboratory Workers in Canada - A code of Conduct. Department of National Health and Welfare, No. 85-EHD-114, 23 pps., 1985.
- Harrison, J.R., A Code of Conduct for Health and Safety in the Laboratory. Chemistry in Canada, 1987.
- Alper, A., Boyko, V., Harrison, J.R., Hollbach, N., Lloyd, D., Pépin, Y., Young C. Laboratory Safety Handbook. The Chemical Institute of Canada and Ordre des Chimistes du Québec. 79 pps., 1987.
- Harrison, J.R., McCann, M., Corkum, N. The Safer Arts - The Health Hazards of Arts and Craft Materials, pp. 39, Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1988.
- Harrison, J.R., Conservation Materials and their Potential Toxicity. The Science of Toxicology. Proceedings of Conservation in Archives. (International Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, May 10-12, 1988), pp. 263-272, 1989.
- Komsta, E., Secours, V.E., Chu, I., Valli, V.E., Morris, R., Harrsion, J., Baranowksi, E., and Villeneuve, D.C. Short-term toxicity of nine industrial chemicals. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 43:87-94, 1989.
- Harrison, John, Art Related Health Hazards: Artists Should Be Put in Picture. Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol. 140, pp. 702-703, March 15, 1989.
- Galarneau, D., Riedel, D., Harrison, J., Gregoire, Bertrand, N. Abstract: Residues of Arsenic, Chromium and Copper on and near outdoor structures built of wood treated with CCA type wood preservatives. American Chemical Society, 200th Annual Meeting. August 26-31, 1990.
- Gupta, S., McCann, M., Harrison, J. Health Hazards in the Arts and Crafts. Leonardo, Vol. 24, No.5 pp. 569-572, 1991.
- Gilman, A.P., Meek, B., and Harrison, J. PCBs, Dioxins, Aluminum, Asbestos: Proven Poisons or Pointless Panic. In: The Ontario College of Family Physicians, Annual Meeting, 20-23 November, 1991, Toronto, Ontario, 1991.
- Gupta, S., Caldwell, I., and Harrison, J.R. Health Hazards in Jewellery Making and Enamelling. Artscraft: 2(4), 1991.
- Riedel, D., Harrison, J., Galarneau, D., Gregoire, D.C., and Bertrand, N. Abstract: Residues of Arsenic, Chromium and Copper On and Near Outdoor Structures Built of Wood Treated with “CCA” Type Preservatives. In: Proc. 12th Annual Meeting, Canadian Wood Preserver’s Association, Vancouver, B.C., 1991.
- Gupta, S., Harrison, J.R. and Neumark, D., Children’s Art Safety “A Survey of Canadian Elementary School Art Programs”. Conference Proceedings: First World Congress on Arts Medicine, New York City, 1992.
- Gupta, S., Easson, E., Harrison, J., Myres, A. Art Teacher, Be Aware, 24 pps. Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1994.
- Pant, B.C., Harrison, J.R., Long, G.W., Gupta, S. Exposure to Lead in Stained Glass Work. An Environmental Evaluation. The Science of the Total Environment 141: pp.11-15, 1994.
- Gupta, S., Harrison, J., Rousseaux, C.G., Easson, E., Myres, A.W. A Survey of Health and Safety Practices in Canadian Elementary School Art Programs. Environmental Health Review, 39:No.1pp. 6-14, 1995.
- Hynes, T., Harrison, J., Bonitenko, E., Doronina, T.M., Baikowitz, James, M., Zinck, J.M. The Scientific Commission’s Assessment of the Impact of the Cyanide Spill at Barskaun, Kyrgyz Republic - May 20, 1998. Report MMSL 98-039 (CR), Natural Resources Canada, Sept. 1998.
- Harrison, J. Establishing the Office of Natural Health Products. Proceedings of Insight Conference: Nutraceuticals, Natural Health Products and Therapeutic Products. (Jan. 20-21, 2000, Toronto, Ont.), 11pps., 2000.
- Harrison, J. Chemical Hormesis and Homeopathy. Postgraduate ( D.H.M. ) Thesis, British Institute of Homoeopathy. 36 pps., Feb. 10, 2001.
- Harrison, John R. et al. Assessment of the JDAC Report Entitled: Executive Summary Human Health Risk Assessment : Rationale, Summary and Conclusions Report, North of Coke Ovens (NOCO) Areas, Sydney, NS”, Sept. 2001. Unpublished Report prepared for Roy Kwiatkowski, Chief, Environmental Health Assessment Office, Health Canada., July, 2001.
- Harrison, John R. Mercury; Your Health and the Environment, A Resource Tool. Unpublished Report prepared for Dr. Shalini Gupta, Senior Advisor, Office of the Chief Scientist, Health Canada. Sept. 2002.
- Harrison, John R. Health Hazards for Visual Artists . Dispatch, vol.8, issue1, pps1-2, Feb. 2002.
- Richardson, G. M., Harrison, John R. Screening and Review of Contaminated Site Proposals from Federal Departments. Unpublished Report prepared for Roy Kwiatkowski, Environmental Health Assessment Office, Health Canada, April 30, 2003.
- Harrison, John R. An Analysis of Health Canada Laboratory Capacity in relation to a Chemical Emergency. Unpublished Report prepared for Dr. David Blakey, Director, Environmental Health Science Bureau, Health Canada. 52 pps., May 5, 2003.
- Harrison, John R. Chromium, Copper and Arsenic Pressure-Treated Wood and Playground Structures: An Overview of the Scientific Information on Health Risks. Prepared for the Canadian Institute of Treated Wood and published on the website 1-5 pps., August, 2003.
- Harrison, John R. Chemical Emergency Contacts for Health Canada-Safe Environments Programme Health Specialists. Unpublished Report prepared for D. Sokolowski, Chemical Response Unit, Health Canada, 14 pps., March 21, 2003.
- Harrison, John R. Kava Kava and Hepatotoxicity: A scientific safety assessment of the herb kava kava (Piper methysticum Forst.) in terms of potential liver toxicity and with particular reference to the use of the precautionary principle as a regulatory tool. October 27, 2003. Master Herbalist Thesis presented to the Dominion Herbal College, Burnaby, British Columbia.
- Michael G. Tyshenko, Jamie Benidickson, Michelle C. Turner, Lorraine Craig, Vic Armstrong , John Harrison , Daniel Krewski: Regulatory and Nonregulatory Strategies for Improving Children's Environmental Health in Canada, Part B: CriticalReviews , Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Volume 10, Issue 1 & 2 December 2006 , pages 143 – 156.
More recent reports are listed in the Projects section.