
Business Lines

Specialized Areas of Expertise and Strengths

JRH Toxicology has expertise in and has completed many projects in fields such as:

The President of JRH Toxicology is John R. Harrison BSc, MSc, MS, MH, PhD. As an environmental and occupational toxicologist, he has over 34 years experience in environmental health and natural health products and was Assistant Director, Bureau of Chemical Hazards, Associate Director, Bureau of Medical Devices, Manager, Office of Natural Health Products (1999) and Manager, Toxic Substances Research Initiative, Health Canada (2001). His resume lists his decades of experience. John is also a Research Associate with the McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment, Institute of Population Health, University of Ottawa. Ottawa, Ontario.

Senior Associates in the company are all specialists with many years of experience and cover the range of program evaluation, policy, funding, environmental health and regulatory affairs in therapeutic products.

In addition, JRH Toxicology has agreements with creative graphic design and web design companies to provide a fuller range of services to our clients.